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Posts posted by paperlatte

  1. I used to read books on our local coffeeshops but I stopped since 2017 since most customers are getting loud so it ruins the mood and experience for me. Can't find a new place to read especially on weekends so I just stayed at home most of the time even though there's too many distractions and temptations to procrastinate my reading. 

  2. I would always choose a dedicated e-reader. I tried using a tablet for reading for a year and I honestly could say that I'm very distracted. For example, I would read a few pages then I would see myself browsing social media or watching Youtube videos. Unlike for an e-reader l can completely focus on reading because the screen also helps with my mood. 

  3. Hello everyone. My name is Dani and I could say that I'm a casual reader. I read at least 3 books in one month. Most of my friends are not really into reading so I searched for communities to interact with fellow readers. Anyway, great community you have here. 

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