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Posts posted by Baldingbookworm

  1. I have left many books out for others but have only had two people who have logged on and said they had found the book. The first person said they were taking it to South Africa and would release it there which they did, bless em.


    A good idea and i will still leave books around as i feel it's a great way to pass books on and its fun waiting to see if anyone logs on and gives feedback etc.





  2. The thing that troubled me for a number of years was would i enjoy an e-reader or not. As a present for my 50th birthday i was able to add some cash to a workplace collection and buy a Kindle Paperwhite to see what my thoughts were and was i being a luddite without good reason.


    Well i use it and have a number of books on it and have read several books and my views are that i still prefer the physical book for several reasons. The main one is i seem to follow the story and remember more compared to the Kindle and it feels more relaxing to read a physical book.


    With the Kindle i find i read quicker but lose track of the plot more easily and don't feel like I'm reading a book but just text with no substance even though it is a book but just in a different format.


    Strangely i have to read my Kindle in Landscape mode to make the page seem wider and then it reads more like book page..................... well to me it does anyway.


    So physical books are my first choice.





  3. Hi.


    I've been tracking this subject and i  wonder how many of us have increased visits to libraries with the thought that the more we use them the stronger the case to keep them open builds. 


    We all read about councils wanting to save money and close them down or outsource them and no doubt there are good examples of communit ran libraries but has anyone looked into finding out the usage figures of their library to see of it is increasing or decreasing


    Happy reading.

  4. 2015 Grand slam of Darts Final.


    Michael Van Gerwin against Phil Taylor.  Bee a good compititon this year and it was good to see Andy Fordham back playing darts.


    Met Andy at a Book Signing In Bluewater a few years back and he is a down to earth guy.  I them met again when he was sitting in his car on Blackheath South London.  Had a good chat with him and he deserves more success after his battles with health issues.


    Comes from Charlton in South London and drank in the same pub as my wife did in her late youth early 20's.





  5. Hello book friends.


    Now some of you may think i must have noticed what has happened but i genuinely did not.  It has bugged me for a few months so i need to get it of my chest.


    I got a kindle for my 50th birthday last year and downloaded a few books.  I read them and did not use it for a while.  I then had a spell where i downloaded about ten books within a few weeks of each other.  When shopping for them i read what the story was about and thought that sounds good i will have that one.


    It was not until a couple of months ago when i was seeing what i had to read that i realised all my books bar one are by female crime/ thriller authors.  I honestly did not notice this was happening.  


    I find this really bizarre and still can't get my head around the fact that i did not notice this .  Has anyone else done this sort of thing. 





  6. Hi.


    I chose mine name for two reasons.  The first part is simple it is what's happening to my head , hair is rapidly disappearing, except in the ears where i could grow spuds and the second part relates to my reading habit as i  always seem to be reading something.


    Some times i sign off with my real name.

  7. Hi book fans


    A slightly strange topic title but i hope all becomes clear.  I also use a kindle as a method to read books but i seem to be the only one who reads it in the landscape mode rather than portrait mode.  In fact i have never seen anyone else reading a kindle this way !   I have been called several things with the most common being weird.  Thankfully they are my friends so i can take it all on the chin.


    I find that reading in landscape gives me a view of a page of words that i feel is more like a book.  In portrait mode i feel it is all squeezed in a little tight, even with the margins open to maximum width.  It is even better now that they have upgraded my kindle and im now using the Bookerly font.


    Is this weird or are their more of us out there that read a kindle like this.  If you kindle can swap reading modes try it and see what you think.  Im interested in your views.





  8. Welcome Madeleine.


    You will have so much fun on here.  It's as addictive as reading itself.  Explore and post and see you new friends make you feel welcome.


    Must dash as i have to select a new book to read from the many boxes of books.

  9. If i can't sell them at boot sales i split between giving them to certain charities and  using bookcrossing.com and leave them for someone else to read and see if they travel anywhere.


    Just recently i have been giving them to a work friend who sends them home to Ghana for her late Sons School library which needs books for the school children who are both boarders and non boarders.  They have renamed the school library in his memory.  This feels me with so much joy and happiness as when i speak to my friend she always gives me a hug and cry's and says how much people care and are so kind.  


    Something so simple like giving books away which does so much good can only make you feel good and  that is good for the soul

  10. Hello Friends.


    Interesting posts covering what  is a very important subject.  Libraries are facing big cuts and closures in the UK so i made the decision to stop buying books and use the library more.  The next decision was what one to use.


    15 minutes walk is my nearest branch.  small stock levels as it is in the academy school and the opening hours are not suited to when i can go.  very rarely used but good for school kids which is important as they are the future bookies.


    10 minutes car drive/20 minutes cycle ride is the one i use more.  Opening hours are fine with a late night until 8pm.  Better selection of books and a little garden to sit in and a sofa at one side.  Even a coffee machine but not sure if that is for patrons or staff (must ask).


    10 minutes drive in another direction is the main library.  Big selection of books but no late night but generally ok as i would do other shopping in town whilst visiting it at the weekend.  Some soft seating area and a loo.


    With my council looking to outsource the library service i can see many closing and thought about setting my self a challenge of visiting every one and taking a photo or two for posterity and to say i have done it and support every branch by taking a book out and dropping one of at the next branch.  Mad idea or a good one ?  maybe make a little protest sign to hold up saying  have some SOLE (Save Our libraries Everyone)


    I have loved libraries since childhood and encourage everyone to use theirs.  The more we do the harder it is to close them. :readingtwo:







  11. Hi everyone.


    Interesting to see the views on the library services abroad from UK.  A lot of libraries in the UK  have self service points which does speed up the process of returning and collecting books but it takes away the human contact point.  


    My library service positively force you to use the self service points as they cost a lot of money to buy and install and the staff have been told to try and avoid serving people in the old fashioned way.  They call it encouragement to use technology.

  12. Hi.


    Whats the library situation like in Finland Frankie and In Holland Athena.  are they facing cuts in funding like they are in the UK ?  How are they run.  Interested to see if any ideas could be put to our library services here in UK to help support and or improve the service provided.


    We must support them or we all face having a smaller service which would affect the rural communities and Mobile library services more the town based libraries.

  13. I love the smell of a new book.  Picked up the new book Tennison by Lynda La Plante from the library today and spent a few moments inhaling the fresh new book smell and the pages so crispy new and untouched! !!!!!!!!!!!   Then down to local Costa for a coffee and another lovely smell of fresh coffee for a quick read.


    Smelly madness but sheer bliss for me. :readingtwo:

  14. SorinaM and friends.


    Thanks for the warm welcome.  Read mainly Crime and Thrillers.  Some biographies and nature/environmental related books.  Fav author would be the great Gerald Seymour.  All his books have a great story and are very timely on subject matter, good plotting and structure and endings.  


    Just started to read Tennison by Lynda Le Plante which i picked up from the library today.  Hooked straight away.  Had to laugh when speaking to the librarian as she admitted to having fines of almost £7 to pay for over due books  :D

  15. I store mine in clear plastic boxes with clear lids so i can see what i have.  and these are all under the bed and in the wardrobe.  I try to do them alphabetically but sometimes they just get put away.  I have so many i have vowed to stop buying books until i have read some of them.  Im also using my library loads more as well.


    I also keep a list with my BTR so if i see a book i fancy i can check to see if i have a copy already.  Its silly when you ending up have three copies of one book !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Hello Everyone.


    Just joined the BCF as i simply love reading books and like all things book related.  Why do i love reading ?  I struggled at school until a good school library was installed and a good teacher helped.  Now i can't stop - not that i want to either.


    Reading also helps with my anxiety issues which is a good thing as sometimes i need to escape from modern life into a good book.  


    I love supporting my local library as they are under threat of outsourcing - like all libraries,  and they save me money from buying books :smile: and they offer a vital service for the community.


    Looking forward to enjoying the BCF and my new friends.  





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