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Posts posted by lcsucr

  1. Hi Athena and Signor Finzione. Thank you for welcoming me! 


    The kind of books I love are crime thrillers and I've also always had a fascination for books written in diary format. This is at odds with what I have written which is a very light-hearted look at the world of cat-sitting. Before becoming a cat behaviourist I used to run my own cat sitting business and the book is a mix of fictional stories (based on things I could well imagine happening) and actual events. The working title is 'The Hairy Tails of a Cat Sitter' and I'll be submitting it in Writers Corner at some point soon for critiquing.


    It's been lovely being involved in something creative as opposed to having to spend time reading scientific texts for my work!  

  2. Halloo!


    I’m Clare and I’ve just joined.


    I’m a cat behaviourist and budding author – first book just completed but still plenty of editing to do! I’ll keep you ‘posted’ (quite literally) on its progress and look forward to hearing from others in the same literary boat.


    I’m loving the broad spectrum of topics on the forum and will be getting involved with as many as possible! 

  3. I recently watched 'Spiral' shown on BBC4 on Saturday nights. It was a French language police crime drama and was unbelievably good, in fact so much so that I subsequently bought the box set of the first 4 Seasons, something I've never done before!For all of you who like your cop dramas this, in my opinion, is one of the best. A 6th Season is being filmed this year and I can't wait. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0072wk9 

  4. Anyone who knows me knows better than to ask me out on the night of Eurovision. Sad though it might be, I've watched every one since time immemorial, or at least that's what it seems like!  At the end of each year's contest I find myself outraged at the ludicrous voting and vow never to watch it again but find myself getting that all too familiar feeling of excitement the following year as it approaches.


    The 60th anniversary show was hilarious! I would definitely have sacked the stylist that thought putting a 'beyond middle-aged' women in a pink glittery cat-suit was a good idea (Bobbysocks - you know who yo are!)


    So yes, I will be watching it this year - still with a glimmer of hope for the UK although I don't think there'll be any middle ground for Electro Velvet - either a big hit or a big miss!


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