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Posts posted by Sparkalisha

  1. Awww, you flatter my Finnish heart :smile2: What kind of music do you listen to, and which Finnish bands do you enjoy? 


    I listen to rock in general, preferably 80s and 90s rock, as well as blues, jazz and rock'n'roll, some reggae.. and some pop, too, not all of it is crap ;)


    As for Finnish music, I really like Yölintu and Yö. I couldn't pronounce these correctly to save my life, but I absolutely love the music :D

  2. I love Terry Pratchett too! I have a lot of his books, though I've only read just over half of them (I think just over half of the Discworld books and some of his other books). I plan to read more books by him next year, as this year I haven't done so and I think I should. I also quite liked the three TV films made based on Discworld books.


    I just bought two Abarat books today in the library sale (in Dutch), they sounded good so here's hoping :). I haven't read anything by Clive Barker before. I liked the Eddings books I read, but I've not read most of them (I own most of them though..). I haven't yet tried Robin Hobb though I have quite a few of her books. I liked The Hobbit but didn't love it due to the writing style. I have the Lord of the Rings books on my TBR, I hope to read them one day as I feel I should as a fantasy lover, but they probably won't be my favourite books. I do really like the films, too! I also liked the Harry Potter books, I re-read them in the beginning of this year and quite enjoyed that.


    I love Dan Simmons too! I loved the Hyperion book and its sequel, The Fall of Hyperion. I have them in an omnibus together (both in Dutch and in English :P). I've yet to read the Endimion Omnibus (books 3 and 4), but before I do that I want to re-read the Hyperion books (1-2). I also have some of his other books but I haven't read yet them.


    My thing with series, is that I like to read the books close together (though perhaps not entirely back-to-back), but a series can be a big commitment so sometimes I tend to read more standalone books (which are hard to find in fantasy really).


    Pratchett is a fantasy master, much underappreciated by the mainstream media, I feel. And I'm not 100% sure that is a bad thing, either.


    Clive Barker is a horror genius, I absolutely adore the man and his work. I've never met him, but it's on my bucket list ;) his books are enthralling (and I don't often use the word), they'll swoop you off your feet and you'll forget to eat and sleep and stuff. They should come with a health warning, really.


    Ok so I also have the Hyperion omnibus in Dutch! XD I'm gonna get through them somehow, school schedule permitting, and then yeah the Endimions are on my menu too ;)


    Also thanks to Brian and Calexa! I'm doing a lot of lurking at the moment, but I'll open up soon enough I'm sure :)

  3. Hi Frankie, thanks for the welcome ^_^ I've always had a thing for Finland as well, I think it's the music.


    Hey Athena, awesome! Snowy greetings from just south of you ;) I haven't really had the time to read the past 5 years, but the one author I've always adored is (like many other people), of course, Terry Pratchett. As well as the Eddings brothers. Robin Hobb turned out not to be my thing, unfortunately. I don't know why, I just didn't get sucked into the story.. And I've tried, I really have, to read Tolkien but I struggle to get through the descriptions. I prefer a story to not have every tiny little detail laid out for me, my mind likes blanks to fill in. I love the Middle Earth films, though!

    I also enjoyed the Harry Potter books, like most people did.


    Another fantasy/horror author I absolutely adore is Clive Barker (known for Imajica, and the Abarat series), though I'm also a BIG fan of his cinematic work (like the 1980s Hellraiser films, and the NightBreed film).


    When it comes to sci-fi books, I have to admit I love Dan Simmons. I'm reading Hyperion and Magyk (by Angie Sage) simultaneously, depending on my mood.


    I also really like audiobooks, because I can't read in a moving vehicle and spend a lot of time on public transport. Audiobooks allow me to read without getting nauseous :)


    Hi Marie, I love the quote in your signature :)

    Hello Bobblybear! I like your name. Why? It reminds me of Robert "Bobby" Carlyle, on whom I've had a crush since I was about 13. (Random information)

  4. Hello everyone,


    Boring bio: 28, female, live in Belgium.


    I know this is a UK-based forum, but I read a lot of books in English and as you can see my written English isn't all that bad either :)


    I've lived in the UK for 10 months (2010 - 2011) and since coming back to Belgium.. ..I haven't really missed it until September 2014. Now, 4 months later, all I want is to go back. I'm planning a two-week holiday to Cambridge next summer :)


    Back to books.


    I realised a while ago that because of school (I've chosen to go back to studying, and I am now in my second year of primary school teacher training) and technology I've been putting off my reading. So I decided to motivate myself again, and joining a book club seemed like the best idea.


    ..unfortunately, though, the only ones I could find in my area (or Belgium in general) would mostly read genres that don't appeal to me. I read fantasy and science fiction, with a dash of horror and sprinkled with thrillers.


    I've recently picked up 5 of the "Septimus Heap" books, by Angie Sage, and have finally begun reading the first in the series: Magyk.


    I basically joined this forum to find new titles to read, and of course to share my own experiences and reviews of books I've read. I hope to be able to read one book per month, school schedule permitting.


    So.. ..you'll be seeing me on here from now on :)

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