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Sadia Tahna

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Posts posted by Sadia Tahna

  1. So I have my TBR list for the next few weeks. I've added Misery by Stephen King and The great Gatsby by Fitzgerald. Misery is suppose to be a psychological thriller. I've never read anything by King so I'm looking forward to it. Gatsby is of course a classic. I hear its really good.

    I'll reach for them once I finish people of the

    book by Geraldine Brooks. The constant pressure regarding my

    studies has made me a very slow reader. Need

    to read more books every week. I need to stop

    feeling pathetic about not reading enough.

  2. I've read a few of his short stories but none of his poetry, I do really want to read The Raven though. I have it in an anthology of American literature, so eventually I will get around to reading it!

    First, I love the name Hayley. I love it I tell you! :D

    You really should read the Raven. I didn't really get the whole thing the first time I read it. Just got the gist of it. When I read it a second and a third time, I realized that it is a poem about a man's slow fall into insanity. Its like a psychological thriller poem lol :D

  3. I am lucky :D I would say from which publisher it is but I´m not sure if I´m allowed to, I got the rules mixed up. I actually read the black cat when I was 8 because my gran has a huge library and I saw a book with a cat on and thought it was cute. I had nightmares after reading it and then completely forgot about it until we learnt about him in our Croatian class and had to read The Black Cat for a book report. My teacher is responsible for my love of him, :D

    Poe had been fascinated with death and mystery. It seems that death contemplation had been a part of his life. He was also one of the first writers to earn commercial success through writing, I think. I could be wrong.

    His writing has always made me think. And I like thinking. For what better thing to do than think when you're sitting on the last bench in class and the teacher is rattling on about chemistry? :P

  4. I have his collected works (99 us cents on Kindle), but I have yet to get to them. I hope to start them this year. But I have Grimm's Fairy Tales to begin as well.

    I saw your post on books being expensive and I'm not sure how it would work in your country, but you should consider an Amazon Kindle or e-reader, even if you don't like them. I was against them too, until I got one as a gift. They are great on eyesight, being able to adjust the font size, color, etc. If you can afford the Amazon Paperwhite, that is the best as it has a back light that really helps as well. Again, I'm not sure what is available to you, but seriously look into it. In the US and the UK, Kindle has daily specials and free books- mostly classics.

    I actually checked out the specification on the Kindle paperwhite. Seems like a great gadget. I really should get one. Thanks for all your kindness. :)

    Grimms fairy tale is on my TBR list as well. I hope to read it soon.

  5. This is another book on my TBR list!

    I actually started reading the 2nd book of the trilogy by McGuire just last night. Its titled "Walking disaster". The 2nd book spins off from Travis's point of view. I'm half way through already in just one sitting. Hopefully, I'm gonna finish it by today!

    Loving it! I love being into mushy chick lit from time to time!

  6. We all know this bitter looking brilliant man.

    (I'm sorry but he just looks very bitter in most of his pictures)

    Anyway I love this guy's poetry and short stories. I've read all of his poems, though he has only written a few, they're really nice. Of course I loved 'The Raven' a little more than the other ones.

    I've read a few of his short stories as well.

    'A tell-tale heart' left me breathless. Magnificent writing. Short stories can be very exciting.

    I think everyone should try his books. Gripping and thrilling they are and breathless they will leave you.

    *Attempting and failing to be cheesy*


  7. Hi Sadia, great to hear about your love of reading but sorry to read about your struggles to find books to read. Although you are not keen on e-readers at the moment, having a kindle would really change your life I can tell you. It would probably answer many of your problems and you would be able to get so many books for free. It makes the expense of buying one worth it in a very short time.

    Please tell me what exactly does the expression "white sheep only" mean? I have never came across that expression before...

    Lots of people in England do call each other "love" but paradoxically it is used most often to people we certainly don't love as a general greeting to strangers in shops and pubs ! Very strange I know. In Yorkshire even men will call each other "love" but not down here in the south.

    Hi there vodkafan (peculiar choice for a name, I must say) :)


    I'm sure you're familiar with the phrase 'black sheep' as in different from the rest and being treated as a disgrace to the rest of the family or society. So white sheep is opposed to black sheep. As in blending in. Being of the same cut and color as everyone else, because apparently everyone has to be made out of the same mold.

    Just some random phrase I came up with lol. Sorry for the confusion.

    I guess I just mean that the teachers and almost all our parents want us to think and behave in a certain way. We can only dream of becoming a doctor or an engineer. Or maybe an accountant or a teacher. Having the dream of being a singer, writer or actor or something like that is off limits.


    The conservative mentality makes me frustrated.


    Are you from England? How funny it must be, calling your male buddies love!


    I look forward to buying an e-reader. I've got a lot of saving up to do.


  8. I haven't read them as other members on here who've read them haven't given them glowing reviews, but I have watched and enjoyed the television series.


    Perhaps you could write bit more about the books? I think it's quite a long series now, isn't it? What did you think of them and why do you like them? :)

    The tv series was much better than the books. I love Ian Somerhalder playing Damon. I've only read the first five books of the series. To be quire honest, they kinda sucked. lol

    I read the books after seeing the first season of the tv show and I was immensely disappointed. Damon seems kinda cartoonish in the books. None of his anti-hero appeal is present in the books as it is in the tv series. The characters lack depth.

  9. x

    No, I'm not sure why you would think that :blush2:. I'm disabled (autism) and getting benefits from the government, I hope I will feel better enough to get a part time job in a while. I just graduated university a few months ago, it was really difficult for me. I live with my parents.



    Wow.. I hope it will work out for you in the end, it's a difficult situation. I hope you enjoy your time off and that you get the job and that the Union will help you.



    Good luck! What will your thesis be about?



    I can understand this, I don't like it either when I'm forced to read something. I did enjoy some of those books (back in secondary school) but not as much as if I'd been free in my choice etc. I liked part of my studying but other parts I really didn't. I studied Chemistry and didn't like being in the lab at all. I liked some of my courses but overall the whole study was very tiring for me. Which study year are you in?

    I'm actually in the 12th grade. On my way to pass high school. Most of the subjects I study are fundamentally science ( Physics, Chemistry, Math. Ugh. I also have English and my native language, Bangla) I'm not a very bright student. The education system in my country could use some correction. Its so conservative. Memorize and puke them up in the exam hall. We forget what we've studied as soon as the exams are over.

  10. Ai sometimes feel that way myself, so many book so little time! Then I decided that the faster I read them the quicker I could get to the next one lol it hasn't worked so well as there always seems to be new books :P



    Ah good this is something that I always forget to do, I find great book and I say to myself 'naah I will remember it!' Then when I want to get the book I'm like 'well it was a book...by somebody...and it was about...ummm' :P lol

    lol. I'm not very bright at remembering these things so I'm always quick to save any text thats of use to me :D

  11. It must be so difficult for you not being able to read digital books, especially as you struggle to find the paperback versions of those you'd like to read. We're very lucky in the UK as there are lots of secondhand bookshops and charity shops selling used books at low prices as well as libraries with good selections and the ability to reserve books from other libraries in the area which are then delivered to our local libraries.


    I used to struggle with ebooks on backlit screens, but since the Kindle e-ink technology came along, I've had no problems at all, and I recently also got reading glasses which have been an incredible improvement for me (now I'm in my 40s, I'm getting old and have to have normal vision glasses and separate reading ones too! :D). I actually prefer reading on the Kindle, mainly because I can read in a consistent typeface, and adjust the size of the text if I need to, as well as the convenience of carry all those books on one device.


    Sorry to hear it such a struggle for you, as I dread not being able to read as much as I do for whatever reason, and hope things will improve for you in time. :)

    Oh my you guys are so nice! Thank you so much! I actually wanna a buy a kindle as soon as possible.

    You must've read a lot of books. My mom used to love books as well but she gave up reading as the years passed by. I'm glad you're 40 and still kicking-ass reading! Its difficult to keep up any sort of passion these days. Even reading. I'm not even through with my student life and already I have a hard time finding free time to read in peace.

    How did you manage to hold your interest?

  12. I'm so sorry to hear books are so expensive where you are and that you have trouble reading digital books :(. My glasses are minus 4 something so it must be very difficult for you!


    In my town there aren't a lot of English books in the library either (there are Dutch translated ones though), though there are a few. New books cost quite a bit in the book shops around here, but the charity shop and second hand books are cheaper. I also regularly go to a book fair where they sell books bookshops don't want to sell anymore and they're normally pretty cheap while new (though on occasion they aren't in great condition, but most of the time they are). I also order books from the UK and on occasion when I'm in the UK I go book shopping there too. I have an ereader and have to buy my Kindle books from Amazon.com where I pay extra because I live in Europe and not in the US, sometimes the price is good and sometimes it can be expensive compared to a paper copy (that said, if you want to buy ebooks from a Dutch site it often costs more). I prefer paper books anyway. When I was a child I'd mainly go to two libraries and I'd very often re-read my favourite books (this was before I could easily read books in English). Later on as I got more allowance I'd mainly use it to buy books and for savings. It wasn't until I was a student at the university that I started to read more and more English books. My boyfriend's British and my English has improved so much from talking with him and reading all the English books that nowadays I prefer to read books in English rather than Dutch (unless the original is Dutch).


    I hope your situation improves in the future! It must be really difficult to not be able to buy and read many books. Can I ask what you're studying? (maybe you've mentioned it elsewhere, if so I'm sorry :blush2:)

    Hey. Thanks so much for your reply! :)

    I'm actually looking forward to passing high school in 4 months. I'm taking preparations for my final exam. I'm having busy days as I'm a science major and we have to study a lot just to keep our heads above water. The education system in our country was constructed to breed 'white sheep only' in the schools. They hate the idea of a human being growing up to become anything that's not a doctor or an engineer.

    Hopefully once I get into university and get a part-time job, I'll be able to buy books more and more :D

    I love Bangla literature. It has been enriched by writers like Rabindranath Tagore and Kazi Nazrul Islam. Their thoughts on life and love are deep and melancholy. its what drew me towards literature in the first place when I was a kid. The complex portrayal of the human heart. The boundaries of society. Love and betrayal. They wrote thought provoking stuff.

    But English lit has a lot more variety regarding genres and I fell in love with it after devouring the entire Sherlock Holmes collection in 6 days. I went on reading without bathing and sleeping. I was 11 at the time and I knew English lit had grabbed me for life.

    and OMG your boyfriend is British! Does he call you love? d'aaaaw.

  13. I'm from Bangladesh. No library in the country keeps English books of various genres. Libraries here are fundamentally useless to me. I borrow some from my friends but its not enough. I have to buy every book I want to read. Which is very expensive for me. I'm 18, a student. One can easily guess that I don't come across a lot of money. To top my misery, God has blessed me with poor eye sight. My minus 7.65 glasses don't allow me read a lot of e-books. I get nasty headaches.

    I don't like digital books anyway.

    I have to save up and buy books. Though I love owning books, sometimes I feel that its too troublesome. I want to read a lot of books, most of which are unavailable here. I have to order them and that costs me even more.

    See what I mean?

  14. Vampires are just not sexy, not on any plant lol. I'm just glad to have helped, you might want to look at some of Mercedes Lackeys other series as well as maybe taking a look at these Authors,


    Alison Goodman


    Daniel Fox


    Kristen Britain


    Lloyd Alexander


    Piers Anthony


    Richard Adams (maybe no true fantasy but stop great books)


    Robin hobb


    Terry brooks




    Terry Goodkind

    oh wow. You've read a lot of books! Sometimes I get sad thinking about all the great books I am yet to read. Now a days, I can't seem to find the time and drive for reading most of the time.

    Have you read anything by Terry Pratchett? The disc world?

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