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Posts posted by Sernicki

  1. I am all up in the air with wish lists and planned reading. Not that I would like to be well organized and set these things up but I tend to be very sporadic in my reading and if something I see grabs my fancy then I read it. I do have a Kindle and sometimes just flick through the free books and take a chance on what is there. I suppose being unable to work at the moment does play a part in that I cannot afford to buy stuff that I would like but more to what is acceptable on my budget. However this has both merits and issues as sometimes I read something that is brilliant for next to nothing. On the other hand I would like to be able to extend my reading to material that really catches my eye but is out of my fiscal range, at the moment. 

  2. Hi Booklicker,


    These are my answers for the questions posed:



    Your favourite read of the year =   Habibi by Craig Thompson
    Your favourite author of the year=  Sir Conan Doyle
    Your most read author of the year= H.G. Wells
    Your favourite book cover of the year= Habibi
    The book you abandoned (if there was more than one, the one you read least of)  N/A
    The book that most disappointed you=  Dear Fatty by Dawn French
    The funniest book of the year= Frankie Boyles "Work, Consume, Die"
    Your favourite literary character this year= Malachy McCourt
    Your favourite children's book this year? N/A
    Your favourite classic of the year= The Time Machine by H.G. Wells
    Your favourite non-fiction book this year= Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease by Maurice Shills et al
    Your favourite biography this year= Frank McCourt in Angela's Ashes
    Your favourite collection of short stories this year? N/A
    Your favourite poetry collection this year= N/A
    Your favourite illustrated book of the year= Habibi
    Your favourite publisher of the year= AK Press
    Your favourite audiobook of the year= Angela's Ashes

    Your favourite re-read of the year= Blankets by Craig Thompson





  3. Hi,


    I know this idea may be a tad expensive but could be worth it considering it is your father and that he has not been partaking in reading of which was a previous enjoyment for him. I suggest an eReader of some description which might ignite his love for reading again and allows him choose the books that most interest him.


    Just a thought.



  4. I have to agree these long November nights will slowly draw us into our winter, but then I do enjoy winter. 


    My plans are to enjoy the early nights and eat lots of scrummy winter foods like, stews dumplings, casseroles and suet puddings.  :D


    The hot chocolate sounds good with a nice book.

  5. My local charity shop most paper backs are between 40p to £1 whilst the hardbacks are from £1 to about £3. I got hold of "Tis" by Frank McCourt for 50p, Dawn French's "Dear Fatty" for £1 in hardback and a large opera guide in hardback for £2 the other day so well pleased.

  6. Like Talisman and Kushy I cook only vegetarian or more to the point vegan food. I consider myself to be a good cook and used to run a non-profit vegan catering project so I needed to be quite good. And like Paperplane I have been experimenting with vegan cakes, pies and other such delicacies. 

  7. Having been out of the reading arena for reasons mentioned in my introduction I had to see how I could handle reading a book again and so I went for a HG Wells novella with his well known "The Time Machine". Being a novella and quite short it allowed me to take that initial step back into reading. The book itself  was one I read as a child many moons ago and to hear about the different cultures and the way the world turns out in the distant future is a tale of great imagination and colour. An easy to read book full of excitement and the early ideas of science fiction. the book can be down loaded from Amazon for free here:







  8. I purchase books from various places due to low income, I do have a Kindle which allows me a lot of reading material for free which is one source. Secondly I do purchase the odd book from Amazon as they can be cheap especially the market place area. Also when I am flush I do by from independent book stores as they need the income and nothing beats looking at books on the shelves, like the good old LP days. Finally I do get quite a few from charity shops and secondhand stores.



  9. Thanks Julie, in answer to your question about the books I enjoy I would say it is a varied and open ended list. I read a lot of books on classical music, the Morse series by C. Dexter, the Sharpe series by B. Cornwell, SF especially Tad Williams, nutrition books and fad diet books (horror books), classics (Dickens, HG Wells, Conan Doyle), history (Victorian era, Polish history, black history) and graphic novels. My two favorite books are:


    • Howard Zinn's " A Peoples History of the United States"
    • "Daughters of Africa" edited by Margaret Busby.
  10. Hi Everyone,


    I thought I would make my first post an introduction of myself and to get the ball rolling on this forum.


    Name: Andi Sernicki

    Age: 49

    Location: London (UK)

    Job: Nutritionist


    I graduated with a first class honours in Human Nutrition last year (A late developer) and following my studies I was very ill with a mystery illness which had me sidelined for 14 months to the extent where I could not read more than two or three pages of a book without feeling ill and dizzy. The last month has seen an improvement in my condition and I am now able to read books again without too many issues. Therefore I have decided to join this forum for the following reasons:


    • To extend my reading circle
    • To find out more about the beautiful books in circulation
    • To learn how to critique a book and write a review
    • To meet fantastic people who enjoy reading
    • To continue my long road to recovery


    So that is about it in a nutshell and I hope to be a regular contributor to this forum.



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