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Posts posted by Enyo

  1. Hi, everyone. I'm new to the forums.  I enjoy reading fantasy and sci-fi.  Mostly fantasy though.  Currently I am re-reading Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time.  Still haven't gotten to the last book though.  I wanted to reread the whole series before starting the last book.  I've forgotten a lot of what's happened. 


    My favorite fantasy's are:

    A Song of Ice and Fire  by George RR Martin

    The Belgariad by David Eddings (such a fun read)

    Harry Potter

    Wheel of TIme by Robert Jordan

    The Hobbit

    Almost anything written by Brandon Sanderson

    Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss


  2. I have recently aqcuired a collection of antique veterinary books.  The vast majority of them still have leather jackets on them.  I am trying to sell them on the web.  My question is, would they sell better if I removed the jackets so I can picture the actual covers, or to leave the jackets on.  I assume any collectors are going to want to display the actual cover and not some plain black leather jacket, but I wanted to get your opinions.







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