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Posts posted by ChrisD

  1. I recently saw this book for sale, however it was in Dutch. I probably would've bought it if it was in English. I hope you enjoy it :)!


    Thanks, it's certainly worth a read from what I've read so far. I managed to pick it up quite cheaply but I wouldn't suggest paying full price for it as it's only a maybe 4-6 hour read in total.

  2. Currently 74% through The Road and somewhat unsure how I feel about it so far. Will see how it ends but it almost feels like very little has happened throughout. Hoping for a big twist/turn.


    Also still reading through The Leadership Challenge, the first 2 chapters were very interesting but the 3rd chapter was far too long too essentially just say, "believe in your own values not somebody else's".

  3. Finally gotten back into reading after a rough couple of weeks with the Baby not sleeping :(. Should finish Black Sunday by Thomas Harris today. After really hard going for the middle section I'm down to the last 100 pages or so and it's gotten really interesting, looking forward to seeing what happens and then I can watch the film adaptation.


    I have also just started reading Kouzes & Posner's The Leadership Challenge. The owner of the company I work for leant it to me and just after the first chapter I can see why it is so highly rated.

  4. After finishing Zeitoun I looked through my long list of books I would like to read, over 100 now after a lot of recommendations but I have decided on Black Sunday by Thomas Harris. I've only read the opening 3 chapters but I'm already really impressed, not that I expected anything less. It does seem very strange for an author to have wrote such few books though, as far as I can see Harris has only written this book and then the Hannibal series.


    I've also written a review of Zeitoun, I would welcome some criticism on this if that is allowed, this does contain spoilers however so please do not read if you've not read the book or if you are planning on reading, the review is at www.vitusthorne.com. If this link needs to be taken down or if the review needs to be posted elsewhere please let me know. I'm just after some advice really as I've not written anything since school  :blush2: .

  5. I have this on the shelf, unread as of yet. 


    Here is an article in our local newspaper about Zeitoun and his legal problems to do with his now ex-wife.  http://www.nola.com/crime/index.ssf/2013/07/zeitoun_found_not_guilty_on_bo.html


    I would recommend reading it, probably much more interesting to you as well being local. It is a very interesting book but it certainly took something away knowing about what would happen with Zeitoun and his wife following the book. I stumbled upon the article whilst searching for information on his brother (he is mentioned quite a lot in the book) and it kind of soured the book a little for me but nonetheless it is still a great read.


    The way in which it is written is very good as well and seems (to me, anyway) very different from most non-fiction books on subject's like this.

  6. Finished The Story of The Streets by Mike Skinner, a really interesting read and once I'd started I was hooked, hence why I finished it in a couple of days! Mike Skinner is one of those people who nobody seems to have anything good to say about but this book shows a side of him which really shows how much he cares about his music.


    Throughout all of his career drugs and alcohol have played a big part but he is very frank when it says that he didn't have a problem with them he was just doing it because that was what popstars are expected to do and there wasn't much better for him to do in those circles. Really interesting book and I'm glad that I gave it a chance.


    I've now just started Zeitoun by Dave Eggers, a book which follows the story of one family during the disaster of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans in 2005. Really looking forward to reading this one and I've only got until next Saturday when it needs to be back at the Library so hope to get that read by the middle of this week.

  7. Finally given up on Empires of the Sea by Roger Crowley, just too much hard going when I'm not sleeping well, I'm finding it hard to read a book with no narrative as well. I think I need to read a lot more fiction before I can delve into the world of non-fiction without having a real good interest in the subject matter.


    Today I have finished Dexter in the Dark, as per my previous post on this, very disappointed by the turn which the series has taken by this book but it looks to have gotten back on track with the last page of the book, a massive disappointment for me but I hope that the next book in the series is a return to the high standards the first two set.


    For my next book I think I am going to go for The Story of The Streets, probably not something which would hold interest for most members of this board (not to cause offence) but I am an on/off fan of The Streets and find Mike Skinner a somewhat interesting character so it will be interesting to see the insight that this book brings.

  8. I'm reading Gone Girl now, and I have to say, I find Amy's tone in her diary entries really annoying. :sarcastic: Aside from that, it's ok...too soon to judge really.


    I agree with that, the author does a good job of making her come across as really irritating. I do like the back and forth of the story though.

  9. I'm still trickling along with Empires of the Sea by Roger Crowley and I've also started the third Dexter book alongside this, Dexter in the Dark, I can see why so many people were disappointed with this book and I am only 70 pages in, I will persevere with it as I do want to read the whole series in time for the TV series finishing so that I can fairly compare the two.


    Have really been struggling to read a lot the last couple of days, I've been much more tired than I have been for a long time, mainly I think due to the amount of natural light which now comes into our bedroom, I struggle to sleep when not in darkness and the only time of darkness for me at the minute is about 11PM-4AM, I even struggle when wearing an eye mask. I've just had to have a 3 hour in the spare room to try and catch-up  :blush2: ,

  10. Hey all welcome to all newbies. 


    Keep :)


    Thanks  :smile:


    Hi Chris. That sounds interesting, so it is certainly on my to read list. When I read what entered then Judge Dredd come straight to mind. 


    I've not read anything around Judge Dredd or much of any comic stuff really but after reading his Wiki page it looks like a really interesting concept so will see if I can find some of them cheap or maybe even watch last years film. It does seem similar to The Last Policeman though like you say, obviously with it being more reality based than the Judge Dredd series.

  11. Still moving along with Empires of The Sea (Roger Crowley), albeit slowly, but having read more than I thought. Turns out the last 25% of the book (from Kindle's book percentage) is bibliography and indexes so I'm about a third of the way through so far. Very enjoyable and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with Malta.


    I've also just started the third in the Dexter series, Dexter in the Dark, I'm only about a fifth of the way in but I can already see why the reviews had this marked as one of the not so good Dexter books. I will persevere as I'd like to finish the full series for the TV series conclusion as well but I've already got the feeling that I might be quite disappointed with this one.

  12. I've now finished Walden on Wheels. A great read by all accounts, a very interesting insight to a young man's quest not to get into debt whilst putting himself through college. This book follows his adventures around America saving money and working hard to pay for his education. There are a lot of highs and lows in this book both in terms of his story and the interest of the stories as well. These tend to coincide with when he is interacting with other people and when he is alone with his thoughts.


    The end bit of the book is possibly the most intriguing but unfortunately it is also the shortest section of the book, I would like to have seen more stories from this section of the boo, luckily there author was actively blogging during the period which he wrote the last section of the book so it's nice to be able to cross reference those.


    On the whole this book is a great read for anyone interested in money and living a simple lifestyle, it has certainly inspired me to stop spending money on material possessions and to see more of the world. If you are young and carefree then this book could be a real inspiration.

  13. I am currently reading Empires Of The Sea: The Final Battle For The Mediterranean, 1521-1580 by Roger Crowley, slow going with this one as it is quite a hard read. From the opening few chapters I have read so far the author makes it read very much like fiction rather than non-fiction which makes it a little easier to read, almost a good introduction to non-fiction for me having not read a lot before the last couple of months.


    The second book I am reading is one which was one of Amazon's Kindle deal of the days this week, Walden on Wheels: On the Open Road from Debt to Freedom by Ken Ilgunas, this is a very interesting memoir of a young American who left college with over $30,000 student debt and became obsessed with not being burdened by this debt for the rest of his working life. He set out to be as frugal as possible and try to pay off the debt as quickly as possible. As I am very interested in saving money and being frugal myself I'm really enjoying this so far and think I will get this finished in the next couple of days.
  14. Hi Chris, welcome to the forum :) Gone Girl seems to be a popular choice for people, I think I will be giving it a read. Have you read any books recently that you would recommend?


    As I've only read 5 books in the last few weeks and before that nothing for about 10 years then it's hard for me to know if what I've been reading is any good in the grand scheme of things but I did enjoy The Last Policeman by Ben Winters which has just had a sequel released of Countdown City.


    It's a pre-apocalypse set novel where the main character is one of the few remaining people who are trying to enforce the law, made for a very good non-standard apocalypse related book.


    Hello and welcome! :)


    Thanks, Hi!


    Hi Chris, welcome to the forum, i also have Gone Girl on my TBR pile it certainly seems to get mixed reviews. One of my daughters read it & she said she didn't really get into it till about halfway through & then she really enjoyed it  :smile:


    That surprises me as I was almost the opposite as up until halfway there's a very big mystery around the story but as things start to fall into place it does become a little more predictable, but still very enjoyable.

    In the Reading Circle topics there will be spoilers, in any other topics people have to put [ spoiler ] tags around their spoilers, so the spoiler can only be seen when clicked on.

    OK, thanks, I'l try to bear that in mind.

  15. What is the recommended practice for discussing books here? For instance I've just updated the July thread but I'm not sure exactly how much I can say about a book for the risk of spoilers. I have read the rules and FAQ but there doesn't seem to be any mention of that in there.

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