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Status Updates posted by Athena

  1. My boyfriend's 15-year-old nephew has died :(. It's very sad and sudden. May he rest in peace :(.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Kidsmum


      Sorry must have missed this last time i was on. That is so sad, a sudden death is always a shock but when it's someone so young it's even more heartbreaking xx

    3. Devi


      Very sorry to hear this Athena. :( My thoughts are with you and your boyfriend.

    4. poppyshake


      Very sorry Gaia, much love to you and your boyfriend xx

  2. I probably won't be on the forum much for the next few days. My boyfriend has arrived and my birthday is coming up. Hope you all have a great rest of the week and weekend!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. julie


      Happy Birthday Athena. Eat a slab of cake for me ! Will be thinking of you .

    3. Athena


      Thank you all! :)

    4. Kidsmum


      Happy belated birthday Athena i hope you & your boyfriend enjoyed spending the day together

  3. Today hasn't been a good day, there were several bad news things that happened (in short, a death, an accident, financial stuff). I am not feeling well but will elaborate probably tomorrow in a post somewhere. I don't have the time nor the energy at the moment to read all the new posts but I will do so tomorrow. Hopefully a better day.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Athena


      Thanks Paula :).

    3. julie


      Sorry so many things went bad all at the same time , Athena. Sure hope things will improve soon.

    4. Athena


      Thanks Julie, it's going a bit better at the moment. My boyfriend is back from his trip in the UK so I can more easily talk with him about the bad things that happened.

  4. Today I got a wooden splinter stuck underneath my fingernail, which came loose from the wooden floor. With some effort we managed to pry it loose. I've never had such a big splinter! It hurts a lot.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Athena


      Thanks VF :).

    3. Inver


      Happened to me once...ended up having to go to A&E to have it seen too...and yes it was ouchy

    4. pontalba


      Ouch! Be sure to watch for infection! That's a difficult place to tend to. Hope the soreness is going away.

  5. I stepped into a sharp pin this morning with my bare foot, no idea where it came from but I can't stand on my foot yet :(. The pain is slowly fading away though so that's good!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Athena


      It's feeling a bit better :). That's what I did, Raven!

    3. Kidsmum


      Glad it's getting better Athena. I stood on a darning needle when i was a kid & had to go for a tetanus jab so you have my sympathy as i know how it feels X

    4. Athena


      Ouch, that sounds pretty painful too :(!

  6. I haven't been feeling well recently, it seems it might be because of my newer dosage of medication. I'll post more about it later, but I need to rest now.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Athena


      Thanks Diane xx

    3. muggle not

      muggle not

      Remember, your health comes first. Take care.

    4. Athena


      Thanks, Muggle Not :).

  7. I'm feeling ill so am staying in bed. I may not be around much for the next few days, but will answer your PM's and replies when I feel better.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Athena


      Thanks Karen and Kate :)!

    3. Devi


      Feel better soon Athena! P.s. About to laminate your bookmarks!!!

    4. Athena
  8. The new internet works now! I'm totally excited, it's actually faster than the old one and it's smoother! :D. The house phones don't work well yet unless I'm close to the receiver which is in an awkward place atm. Woohoo for faster internet :D :D :D!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Athena


      I hope you'll get the access sooner rather than later :D!

    3. Kylie
    4. Calexa


      WooHoo zippy internet, fantabulous. :)

  9. I'm back from my holidays and slowly going through all the new posts since I left! It's great to read what you've all written :).

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Athena


      Thanks, all of you :).

    3. Kidsmum


      Hi Welcome home hope you had a good time :)

    4. Inver
  10. I love books!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. poppyshake


      Yes .. you're in the right place :D

    3. Marie H

      Marie H

      I love them too! *big hug*

    4. Athena


      *hugs to all*

  11. Our two little zijdehoender chicken have been taken by a predator, there's nothing but feathers left. May the both of them rest in peace, we miss you :(.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Little Pixie

      Little Pixie

      Oh no ! How rotten. X

    3. Eleonora


      Oh nooo.. so sorry!!!


    4. Inver


      oh no that is sad...

  12. After a couple of days of not having an internet connection I'm happy to be back on BCF!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kidsmum


      Bet you were getting withdrawal symptoms :)

    3. frankie


      I would hate not to have mah darling internet, so I can imagine what it was like! Yay for getting back online! :)


    4. Athena


      I missed the forum and my friends (you all)! I did get some reading done though :).

  13. Amazon.co.uk is no longer doing free shipping over 25 pounds to the Netherlands. From now on I have to pay shipping for every item. Boohoo :(!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Little Pixie

      Little Pixie

      Not all bad news - last Sunday, I had an Amazon delivery. Maybe it`s to pay for improvements ?

    3. Athena


      Maybe, but I don't know how much I'll be ordering from them if I have to pay shipping on every single item. It costs a bit so it might work out cheaper to go elsewhere (though I love that you can track packages and the site itself). I'll have to see on a case by case basis.

    4. Little Pixie

      Little Pixie

      I order a lot through Amazon marketplace and got used to being able to get a `fulfilled by Amazon` used book for £2 or so. Having to get a basket full of used books for £10 is a bit of a mathematical puzzle now !

  14. I was feeling a bit down so I spontaneously decided to go to the book fair and do some book shopping! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ooshie


      What a good idea! Hope you enjoyed your day :)

    3. bobblybear


      That always helps :-)

    4. karen.d


      That's a perfect cure for the blues!

  15. Our internet is very unstable because of Ddos attacks on the DNS server of our internet provider. They have no idea yet when they will have fixed it. It has been going on for over a week, often I can't browse the majority of sites. I hope it'll be fixed soon.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Athena


      It's fixed!!

    3. Athena


      For an unknown reason we're not having any internet again >< (now on 3G).

    4. Athena
  16. Happy Back to the Future Day!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Little Pixie
    3. Kell


      Did you watch the movies? I watched BTTF2 specifically. :)

    4. Athena


      I would have if we owned them, but the last few times we watched them we borrowed them off somebody. And we don't have a TV signal in the bakery. I plan to buy the movies some time though so we have them ourselves :). I'm glad you enjoyed watching it, they are great movies!

  17. I'm back from my trip to the UK. Now there's unpacking to do and things to be bought. I'm so tired..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Athena


      We bought some crisps but that's about it. I did go in a WHSmith but they mainly had French magazines. This is the big move :P. We got my boyfriend's things from the UK.

    3. pontalba


      Hey! She's back! :D :D

      Welcome home!

    4. Athena
  18. I found some boxes with old children's books from my childhood, up in the attic! I had been looking for these books for some time, it'll be very nostalgic going through these boxes and seeing what I've got! Such nostalgia.

    1. Little Pixie
    2. poppyshake


      Brilliant .. what a treat!! x


    3. Chrissy


      How lovely! Enjoy all your rummaging.

  19. So many unread posts since last week! :) (I better get started..)

    1. cuppycakes


      Hey Athena! How was your Birthday?

    2. Athena


      It was great, thanks :). I had a lot of fun seeing the visitors again and I've got some great presents.

    3. Inver
  20. We'll be switching internet providers soon, so if I'm absent for a while you know why. I'm hoping for not much downtime though, that things will go smoothly.

    1. Inver


      see you soon

    2. Little Pixie

      Little Pixie

      Fingers crossed, and I hope you get a faster service when you`ve switched !

  21. My laptop's charger isn't working so I might not be on the forum until the new one arrives. My foot is feeling a bit better.

    1. Little Pixie

      Little Pixie

      Boo, hope to see you again soon.

    2. Athena


      It's all fixed now, I have a new charger :).

  22. The internet is being incredibly slow.. and 3G won't even connect. I think it might be the bad weather we've been having :(.

    1. Athena


      I think I might've fixed it..

    2. Athena


      It's still not working properly.. hopefully it'll be better next week when my dad can take a look at it.

  23. Sorry for my absence! We're now going to decorate the Christmas tree so apologies if I haven't yet replied to you, it will happen soon!

    1. julie


      No worries, Athena .

      Have fun decorating, and post a photo if you get the chance .

  24. Our internet is having problems so I won't be able to be online much until it is fixed.

    1. Athena


      After a couple of days of no internet and some phone calls and emails later, all seems to be working again :)!

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