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Dr. Z

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  1. "Germinal" by Zola completely changed me. I love revolutions. For an example when Mubarak was thrown off power in Egypt I nearly cried of joy. In Germinal, not that I won't to sell you the ending, you see the downside of revolution, the misery it could sometimes bring. You can also see that people fighting against the revolution (the enemy, because you take part with the revolutionists) are people too instead of evil foes without a face. In other words, this book opened my eyes on the whole "power to people" thing. Revolutions aren't cool and it has to take it stand only when it's necessary. Then again, who can say when it's necessary ? Starting this might be changing things for the good or the bad but whatever way it's gonna turn, a human is going to get hurt.
  2. That horse part in "Crime and Punishment" was a good description of how low human beings can go. That part was also a real thing that happened in the author's youth.
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