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Posts posted by BellaB

  1. :readingtwo: This book is both absorbing and rich with descriptions of Istanbul, past and present. A story of the events between the Turks and the Armenians in 1915 trickle through in a pwoerful way; whilst giving each character a motive and reason for there consequential actions.

    One of my favourate books by far, however I found the title lets the book down. The title draws too much on one character, which I think is mis-leading, as all the characters seem to have equal inportance.

  2. The first time I started to read this book, I could not get into the story and gave up a few pages in. A few months later I started to read and couldn't put it down.

    The book takes the reader through a string of emotions and I found myself holding back the tears on numerous occassions.

    Very powerful and how wonderful to read of a time when Kabul was not so war torn. One of my favourates! :D

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