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Status Updates posted by frankie

  1. Goody! And of course you are entitled to your privacy, you don't need to fill us in on the details :) Good luck!! :)

  2. I think my teens were totally awkward enough as it were, without having to find videos of myself on youtube. There were times when I was so shy and clumsy and scared of what people might think or talk about me, the possibility of ending up on youtube would have made it more difficult to cope with. I think the teens of today have it really hard, no wonder there's more people with depression and other mental conditions :( (It's embarrasing enough to read my teen diaries just by myself!!)


    So now you got your autumn already? Must be really weird having miniseasons :lol: There's no way one can get a tan there. I've never heard anything good about the English weather though. I think umbrellas are the everyday accessories there.

  3. Hallo Nicola!


    I'm not going home after all, I'm staying home this weekend (long story). That means I get to go to a friend's housewarming party. The weather's excellent so I'm expecting to have a fab time :D Do you have anything planned?


    Agent-Tattletale :lol: Well it's a unique and quite approriate nick for LibraryThing. You know Goodreads is the same thing as LT, the only difference is that on LT you can add 200 books and after that you have to pay a certain amount of money a year to add more. Goodreads is free no matter how much you add ;) I'm frankie on GR as well, very imaginative :D


    I can't believe you've never been to London! My friend's been there and she told me about this amazing bookstore that was the hugest thing ever. And apparently the squirrels are the size of cats :lol: And the cider is stronger than in Finland and she got tipsy real soon. Oh and I heard your bars close at about 11 PM or 00.00? Is that true? In Finland the bars close at 2, 3 or 4 AM.

  4. Thanks Charm! *hugsywugsy* I did get a few book presents which is rather rare for me, and got a few bookswaps, so indeed a great bookish day, and a great day all around :)

  5. On/off for 15 years? That's a long time :friends0: I'm glad that you were diagnosed as having post natal depression, there are so many women who've given birth and are depressed but don't know what's really going on. It makes all the difference to know exactly what's going on than just to feel bad and not know.


    I remember you were recovering from a back operation last fall and couldn't really get around and about much. Weren't you in bedrest for many weeks? Those kinds of physical problems that limit normal life for longer periods of time are sure to bring one down =( I suppose it was around that time when you discovered BCF? At least one good thing came out of it :smile2: Good luck with the GP, I hope it'll work out for you!

  6. Haahaa!! :lol: Just be warned, Carcassonne is extremely addictive! The first time I played it online (the name is Toulouse on the internet) I spent 10 hours with it (taking breaks only to eat/"powder my nouse"/do dishes). Scrabble's good too, though I hate it if there's no dictionary available. I study English at the uni and so people expect me to know every single effing word in English and give me **** if I don't :irked: Mini-league system sounds interesting though :lol:

  7. Our winters have become less severe as well. Do you think it's because of global warming? I wouldn't mind having mild winters in the future but I don't want polar bears dying and whatnot :(


    The Bront

  8. Thanks Stephanie, I had an awesome day, but it's taken me a while to recover from all the festivities :lol: I had a nice little gettogether with a friend, we had coffee and nice cake, yummy! Then I went to a couple of secondhand bookshops and did a little shopping ;) Then drinks with a friend and out to a bar! All in all a great day :)

  9. Too addicted to BCF, is there such a thing?? :lol: The only problem I have with BCF is that mount TBR is getting too huge... That's a very common thing on here though, I've heard.


    Too bad about the hour's sleep, you must be feeling a bit groggy :friends0: Take it easy luv, and maybe you could have a nice nap when you get home.

  10. Hi CW, I just sent you a hotmale ;)

  11. And congratulations on the anniversary! 20 years is sure long, it's amazing! I can't even grasp it :lol: Wee mini celebration sounds nice, bottoms up! And remember, when the bottle's cracked open, then it's just you and him, and you'd better keep off the forum and posting! :lol:

  12. I had a change in plans, I'm staying here instead of going home this weekend. Long story. But I get to go to a friend's housewarming party instead so it's good. The weather's excellent :D


    Do start something else on the side of Hunchie, maybe that will help. Hunchie is surprisingly long, the book itself didn't seem thick when I bought it. The text is very small and dense :(


    Oooh, sweet sixteen! :D Congrats to your son! They're having a manly slumber party :lol: It sounds great, I'm sure they'll have fun. Why wouldn't they with you delivering pizzas and other snacks! I hope you give some to Kookie as well!


    Wow Green Day tickets?? That's an amazing present! Does he know about it yet? He's bound to be impressed. And yep, he probably don't want Mummie hanging around, no matter how cool you are :D


    Get some rest and relaxation on Sunday. I hope it all goes well :D

  13. Hi Kookie,


    glad to see you here :D I've been travelling around in my country, having a summer vacation and now I'm down with a flu. I'm hoping to recover soon because there's this rockfestival I'd like to go to this weekend, I'm keeping my thumbs up. How about you, what you been up to? :)

  14. Hiya Paula, how are you? :)

    Wow I love your profile page background, very festive and absolutely gorgeous colours! :D


    I had a lovely birtday, thanks for asking! Coffee and cake with a friend, shopping in some secondhand bookshops and later in the evening drinks with a friend and a little bar tour. All in all great fun! I even made a snow angle when I came home, it's still visible from my balcony :lol: A little Xmas spirit for the neighbors! ;)


    Are you getting excited about your own Birthday that's looming around the corner? :D

  15. Oh don't go changing your font and the colour on my account, I was just having a bit of a laugh, hopefully with you and not on your account! :)) It's really not that much of a bother at all, and it would be so weird seeing your posts in normal color and font, it wouldn't be the same at all *hugs*

  16. Oh my, I almost forgot! How was Marley??:)

  17. Thanks Rach, Bday was nice but the recovery has taken me a while... :lol:

  18. Hiya, how's today been treating you? It's 37,2 C over here, it's the highest temperature ever recorded in Finland! I'm just sweating like a pig. Btw, did you mean you really have a bit of Swedish blood in you?

    About the pronunciation of my name. You know how to pronounce 'sari', the cloth they wear in Eastern Asia? Well it's basically the same, except that ...

  19. Hiya! And thanks for the friend request :D How'd you come about liking the Swedes so much?

  20. Thanks Sedge for the Birthday wishes! :D

  21. Happy Birthday Kat! :D I hope you're having an awesome day!

  22. ... the 'i' is short in my name. Also, the 'r' is pronounced in a different way, we roll it a lot more. Let me see if I can attach a link to this message, there's a woman pronouncing different Finnish consonants. http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=m160nIWKbzM&feature=related

  23. Haa, my BF is also younger than me! He's 25 and I'm 27 so I know what it's like to have a younger BF. I don't think there are any problems, it would be different if we were still in our teens.


    I already started Mitch Albom's Tuesdays with Morrie but it's a short and quick read so I'll be able to move on quickly. I'm going to the library in a while to get The Coffin Dancer since it's there and am probably going to start it next. Yep we should definitely do mini bookclubs on Deaver! :lol: But would you already be up for The Coffin Dancer?


    I'm glad you liked Interview with the Vampire :smile2: Yes it was a bit heavy at times, especially after Louis and Claudia left Lestat behind but otherwise it was brill! I also had to get The Vampire Lestat for myself so I guess we could do mini book club on that one too :D It's like girls living together, they start to be in sync with their periods - we on the forum are in sync with the books we read!

  24. Thanks Charm :hug: I'm so sorry about making fun of you for not getting the right date, I really did put my foot where my mouth was, didn't I?? :blush: I'm sure you won't hate me though cause I had no idea. :friends0: It's a good thing though that precautions will be made and I definitely will support your choice of the kinda life you want to live after 65 ;) I'll come and see you and we'll have a blast!!

  25. Yay it worked. Around 0.57 minutes you can hear the woman pronouncing 'r', that's how we do it over here :) So you can just say 'sari' the cloth with a more rolled 'r' and you've got it :)

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