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About Squawk

  • Birthday 12/08/1986

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  1. Joseph Conrad - Secret Agent (1907): Reminded me a lot of Crime & Punishment in a way, may have just been because it was translated and etc. But still with the ( ) it had a similar ring to it. Liked the book, some great bits in it that made me smile, but really didn't like the main character. I mean not dislike just general apathy really. On to Dubliners now and then *gulp* War & Peace...help. B)
  2. No I do not. But one thing relating to this I remember was a handy not in Coming Up for Air which I borrowed from the library. In one of the final scenes there is an accidental bombing accounted to a training incident by British bombers flying over. But after this someone had written (paraphrasing plus nerdy voice) 'British bombers at the time carried dumby bombs and would not carry live ammunition at such a time.' Cracked me up.
  3. In school all I can remember reading is a ton of goosebumps stories when I was in primary school. Practically void of any reading whilst in Secondary school.
  4. Squawk


    Yoda welcomes you he does. Yes cats. You have to like cats! B)
  5. I do that too, but often it is when my mind starts to wander which I can't really seem to help so I just stop reading until my thoughts fade. I hate it when I continue to read but am not taking it in because my thoughts have trailed off for no good reason. Also it depends often how long I read for. Usually it is measured in chapters and pages not time though. Can do 2-3 hours in the morning other than that it's usually around an hour or so.
  6. OK hi again. So I finished the first book of this Summer's read for me. Decline and Fall a rather funny book and well worth a quick read. Just generally what I thought of the book is that there are some great characters in it and some really strange farcical parts, but there isn't really anything for somebody looking for a juicy story with a big ending. It gives the impression of a dry hump, which I think is intentional of course. Don't know if anyone else has read this book by Evelyn Waugh, more than welcome to comment if you have. I gave it quite a modest score as well. Yes, should mention added percentage scores for whatever reason... And so I must return to the world of literature for the next book, good day! EDIT: Oh yes and still would love some more suggestions, just anything throw it at me people!
  7. Squawk


    Well I was going to welcome you but then you mention this... HI!
  8. I can agree with that. I'm not so sure how much character is a factor, from my experience people tend to put it up as one of the fundamental things, but for me the best character I have encountered in a book was Henry Morgan (Cup of Gold), and admittedly I have not read too many, but I would say that the book was good but just because it had a good character didn't take it up to that special place in the sky or whatever. I think that you need a certain level of character there, but once they get to a certain level it doesn't really make much difference past that.
  9. Ooooh reading in public? Could never do that, people would distract me far more than electrical appliances. I'd be fine until some guy with a weird haircut comes along. ":readingtwo:, Oh wait no that's wrong, why??!? What is...just a bird nested and...what was this book about again? :doh:"
  10. Like most people here in bed usually at night and when I wake up. Go into the small hours of the morning most times (actually gets easier to read as it gets later, I think), especially when I'm having bouts. Also I can never put aside proper time with it like you can other things which annoys me. I have to go from chapter to chapter or I completely lose my thread, and I think you get a better idea of what the author is going for...maybe...
  11. Flapjacks are my weakness. Store bought, home-made it doesn't matter. I can't help it...need more! Oh and chocolate covered flapjacks even more.
  12. "Thus I suffered much with thee and much I toiled, being mindful that the gods in nowise created any issue of my body; but I made thee my son, thou godlike Achilles, that thou mayest yet save me from grievous destruction. Therefore, Achilles, rule thy high spirit; neither beseemeth it thee to have a ruthless heart. Nay, even the very gods can bend, and theirs withal is loftier majesty and honour and might." The Illiad - Homer I swear it was the closest book to me apart from History books.
  13. OK this should be on track soon enough when I get back down south. I am planning to read 24 books over the summer...I THINK I CAN, I THINK I CAN etc.
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