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First, a definition:


What Is A Limerick?

"A light, humorous style of fixed form poetry. Its usual form consists of five lines with the rhyme scheme AABBA; lines 1, 2, and 5 contain three feet, while lines 3 and 4 usually contain two feet. Limericks range in subject matter from the silly to the obscene..."


Example - in Limerick form:


A: What is /a limerick,/ Mother?

A: It's a form/ of verse,/ said brother

B: In which lines/ one and two 

B: Rhyme with five/ when it's through 

A: And three and four/ rhyme with/ each other.


 The thing that I enjoy about Limericks is the challenge of fitting the subject matter into the rhyme scheme - this seems to be something that a lot of people find particularly hard. Lets see if members here have more success with it than a couple of other online forums, and two RL poetry groups I have known..


The Game:


I will post a first line below, then we take turns to post a line in the Limerick form. The person who posts the fifth line also posts the first line of the next Limerick.



A BCF member said "Look!"


It would be best if each contributor posted the earlier line(s) along with their own, to end up with the completed limerick.


A BCF member said "Look!"

Whilst looking up from their book


A BCF member said "Look!"
Whilst looking up from their book

A penguin walked by
While sucking a fly

And reading aloud from its Nook.


(I'll go straight on to Limerick number 2)


There once was a goose with a cold


There once was a goose with a cold

Whose libarary book was on hold

"I want to renew,

My Aunt's Formica ® pew"

 This edition is terribly old."


A writer of SciFi once tried


A writer of SciFi once tried
To eat eggs that hadn't been fried
Too lazy to cook

He worked on his book

Perhaps explaining his massive backside


There was a disgruntled bug catcher








There was a disgruntled bug catcher 

Went cutting reeds with a thatcher

A dung beetle he spied

 "Eureka!" He cried.

"I've got me a little egg hatcher"



One day in the rain I got lost

13 hours ago, Raven said:

That doesn't surprise me...


Oi! Cheeky!


One day in the rain I got lost

Whilst Raven got his wires crossed

I looked for a sign

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