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New to Ebooks and confused.


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I'm particularly interested in Winston Churchill at the moment in particular, "An Alternative View of Churchill" Gavin Fowells I attempted to get a copy from Amazon but for some strange reason it was unavailable when it was elsewhere.  I then attempted to obtain a Kindle copy but of course that's Amazon. That experience persuaded me that maybe I should look for the title I require in a different EBook format but I no nothing about them so I wonder if anyone could advise me what E Book system (If that's the correct term) I should go for.

I have another question which is:  Is the Free Ebook world worth considering and if so which one and does it require a new reading system? 

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Finding the proper alternative to amazon probably depends heavily on what machine you would be reading on. If you have iphone/ipad/macbook, then I would recommend iBooks. Same goes for if you're using an android device, use the google play store to find books. 


If you mean that you don't know which device you should look into, I'm not sure there's a better reading only EBook reader than some of the basic kindles. Someone else may know, but the only alternative I know to a kindle is some sort of tablet, which would obviously cost a little bit more money than a simple e-reader. I suppose Barnes & Noble (if you're in the states) has the Nook, but I've never used one before so I can't say that it's much better or different than a kindle. 

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I can see that I was not as clear as I should have been.

Until I really get into this EBook concept I will only be using a desktop or Laptop computer to read EBooks because when I'm studying a subject I think that I will find it easier to copy text from an EBook to the computer in order to use it as an aide-memoire.  

Exposing my total lack of knowledge I have to say that I'm not sure that I understand when you wrote, "not sure there's a better reading only EBook reader than some of the basic kindles"  I say that because I thought that different EBooks require different EBook readers although I may be wrong.

Now for a question regarding how to participate in this Forum.  I only found your comment by opening up the forum and I thought that if I ticked the Notify box it would happen automatically or am I doing something wrong? 

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