Hi everyone,
I know I've been away from this lovely place for awhile now. I don't have much friends on here, well I don't think I have any friends on here, yet. lol, so I'm sure I haven't been missed. I would love to make new friends though..
I love the Young Adult genre and I'm really eager to read something that will BLOW MY MIND! lol. I have a lot of series at home and have loaned books from the library,and they are good reads but nothing has really made me gasp. I want a book where I have no idea what's going to happen. Relationships or romantic interests I don't see coming. I want a book that's not predictable, I'm left longing for more and questions that will haunt me for days.
If you have any ideas please feel free to reply, don't be shy I'm open to different books. It doesn't have to be limited to the YA genre.
Or if you have a favorite author who supplies stories that will BLOW MY MIND! please post away..
Hope you all are having a fine day my sweets.