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Found 9 results

  1. I have recently read the fault in our starts by john green and would like to read something similar to it. I have also read Looking for Alaska by him and would like to know if his other books are any good? Moreover does anyone have any recommendations to other books I might enjoy if I enjoy these previously mentioned books? I would like to read something more classic.
  2. Crime experts: I want to read either one of this two novels. The Woman in White or Cime and Punishment. Both have amazing reviews and it has been hard to choose. Would you have any for suggestion to help me choose? Thank you =]
  3. Hello All! I am looking for a book, and I can't remember the name of it for the life of me! It's about a young man who has held multiple jobs (maybe 60-100), from fishing to martial arts. It was published about 5 years ago, by a major publisher (perhaps I'm wrong, but it wasn't self-published) If you know what it is, please let me know!! Thank you!!
  4. Hello and good day to you all, im opening this topic for we to have a place, where we can ask en receive recommendations. I finished reading yeterday golden son by pierce brown and im looking for something similar. Any suggestions? Thank you very much.
  5. Hi, I'm not sure if anyone will be able to help with this but I'm trying to find a book for my fiance. It's one she read a long time and unfortunately can't remember many details... Basically what I know is that it is set in the modern time, the main character is male that is aware that there are parallel universes. His mum (or possibly both parents) are dead, but he knows that she/they are alive in an alternate world. The boy refers to 'the other me' or 'the other mummy' or something similar. Unfortunately that's about all she can remember. She doesn't think it was necessarily all about the alternate worlds, as there were things going on in his life in this world... So, that's quite vague, I admit, but if there is any chance that anyone recognises it, please let me know!
  6. How does the underlined sentence work? Is it a parenthesis? What does it mean? Could you grammatically explain it to me? I'm an English learner and recently I am trying to chew some classical masterpieces. I've never been abroad. All I learned is from school textbooks, British drama series, or BBC News :-) I really focus on English grammar and vocabulary. But when I read some original English edition books, like Pride and Prejudice, the way of expression of the words and sentences can really drive me mad! X-< Maybe I am just not able to understand some sort of your daily expression, like "be that as it may" and "be the means what they may". I think, they are inverted sentences and meanwhile elliptical sentences. You know, we are not only different in languages, but also in ways of thinking. I'm going a little far. Could you help me on this sentence? Thank you!
  7. Hello, I'm brand new on here and seeking some help from any fellow bookworms/avid readers! I'm currently beginning my second year of English Literature A2. As part of our coursework module we have to produce 2500-3000 words in either analytical essay form or creative writing form (eg writing in the style of the books you have read) and this is on a central theme, and then 3 books/poems that relate to that theme. I have a few ideas of what theme and books I would like but what I'm looking for is some help or elaboration of book ideas for the themes I do have? My teacher said one has to be 'literary' or more of a classic, then the other 2 can be more modern in order to compare. My ideas: Racism/prejudice - The Help Dystopian novels/alternate reality - The Handmaid's Tale, and then something a hell of a lot more modern like one of the new young adult dystopia books e.g Matched, The Hunger Games etc History - I'm very naive on this subject but I love Philippa Gregory and have an avid interest in historical fiction And of course any themes or books you wonderful people suggest! I am so grateful to anyone who takes the time to help out a newbie on here!
  8. Hi everyone, I know I've been away from this lovely place for awhile now. I don't have much friends on here, well I don't think I have any friends on here, yet. lol, so I'm sure I haven't been missed. I would love to make new friends though.. I love the Young Adult genre and I'm really eager to read something that will BLOW MY MIND! lol. I have a lot of series at home and have loaned books from the library,and they are good reads but nothing has really made me gasp. I want a book where I have no idea what's going to happen. Relationships or romantic interests I don't see coming. I want a book that's not predictable, I'm left longing for more and questions that will haunt me for days. If you have any ideas please feel free to reply, don't be shy I'm open to different books. It doesn't have to be limited to the YA genre. Or if you have a favorite author who supplies stories that will BLOW MY MIND! please post away.. Hope you all are having a fine day my sweets.
  9. Hi everyone. I need help finding a certain book i used to read when i was a kid. It is a fantasy kid novel, Here are parts off the plot i remeber from it: There is on orphan girl, that gets a pen for birthday or something. It turns out that the pen is magical, and can be used to enter directly in any book story by touching the book. If you wan't to go back, you do something with the pen. Later she meets a boy who is living in same orphanage she's living in, and shares her secret with him. They have alot of adventures, etc. Eventually they find out that they can take characters from book to real world. After entering one of the books about Neverland, captain cook find out about the pen, and invades their city. The boy gets stucked in some kind of tvisted world. Peter pan saves the day. I can't remeber it all. That is what i do remeber, so any help would be great. Thanks in advance. And sorry for bad english
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