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Status Updates posted by jjzazzy

  1. thanks for the recomendation for The Welsh Girl, I really enjoyed it!

  2. Yay long weekend! Pool party, fireworks and dinners out... Happy BC Day!

  3. Definatly moving to Liverpool in Sept for grad school.

  4. After a wonderful girls ski-weekend in Whislter, I am home nursing my sunburnt face and sore legs.

    1. Chrissy


      Ouch! I'd suggest you keep rubbing lotion on both!

    2. jjzazzy


      WHISTLER.. why can't I spell? sunstroke? gotta love spring skiing.

  5. Finished my book, but can't make it to the library until Monday. Must find something on the shelf to read until then...

  6. I work from home because my computer at the office isnt connected to the internet.. is there anything more archaic than that?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jjzazzy


      seriously... I work as a consultant for a professional engineering company. They expect me to type reports in the office then carry them home on a flash drive to send to clients...

    3. Chrissy


      I am truly surprised by that! I thought EVERY BUSINESS would be on line by now.

    4. SueK


      That does sound truly archaic. It can't be that difficult to get online I would have thought?

  7. At my desk, working from home... or should I put a movie on instead?

    1. Chrissy


      So which one did you go for? :D

    2. jjzazzy


      sigh.. I watched 'The War Boys'....

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