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8 books

  1. How to Forage for Mushrooms Without Dying

    Author: Frank Hyman

    "This is the book for anyone who walks in the woods and would like to learn how to identify just the 29 edible mushrooms they're likely to come across. With Frank Hyman's expert advice and easy-to-follow guidelines, readers will be confident in identifying which mushrooms they can safely eat and which ones they should definitely avoid"--

    • Published on 2021
    • 257 pages


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  2. The Astronomer and the Witch

    Author: Ulinka Rublack

    Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) was one of the most admired astronomers who ever lived and a key figure in the scientific revolution. A defender of Copernicus´s sun-centred universe, he famously discovered that planets move in ellipses, and defined the three laws of planetary motion. Perhaps less well known is that in 1615, when Kepler was at the height of his career, his widowed mother Katharina was accused of witchcraft. The proceedings led to a criminal trial that lasted six years, with Kepler

    • Published on 2015
    • 391 pages


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  3. The Ruin of All Witches

    Author: Malcolm Gaskill

    In the frontier town of Springfield in 1651, peculiar things begin to happen. Precious food spoils, livestock ails and property vanishes. People suffer fits and are plagued by strange visions and dreams. Children sicken and die. As tensions rise, rumours spread of witches and heretics, and the community becomes tangled in a web of spite, distrust and denunciation. The finger of suspicion falls on a young couple struggling to make a home and feed their children: Hugh Parsons the irascible brickma

    • Published on 2022
    • 336 pages


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  4. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

    Author: Rebecca Skloot

    THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER Her name was Henrietta Lacks, but scientists know her as HeLa. She was a poor Southern tobacco farmer whose cancer cells – taken without her knowledge – became one of the most important tools in medicine. The first ‘immortal’ human tissue grown in culture, HeLa cells were vital for developing the polio vaccine; uncovered secrets of cancer, viruses, and the effects of the atom bomb; helped lead to important advances like in vitro fertilization, cloning, and gene mappi

    • Published on 2010
    • 393 pages


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  5. Queens of the Wild: Pagan Goddesses in Christian Europe: An Investigation

    Author: Ronald Hutton

    A concise history of the goddess-like figures who evade both Christian and pagan traditions, from the medieval period to the present day In this riveting account, renowned scholar Ronald Hutton explores the history of deity-like figures in Christian Europe. Drawing on anthropology, archaeology, literature, and history, Hutton shows how hags, witches, the fairy queen, and the Green Man all came to be, and how they changed over the centuries. Looking closely at four main figures—Mother E

    • Published on 2022
    • 361 pages

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  6. The Story of San Michele

    Author: Axel Munthe

    This story is to many one of the best-loved books of the twentieth century. Munthe spent many years working as a doctor in Southern Italy, labouring unstintingly during typhus, cholera and earthquake disasters. It was during this period that he came across the ruined Tiberian villa of San Michele, perched high above the glittering Bay of Naples on Capri. With the help of Mastro Nicola and his three sons, and with only a charcoal sketch roughly drawn on a garden wall to guide them, Munthe devoted

    • Published on 2010
    • 300 pages


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  7. I Can Make You Hate

    Author: Charlie Brooker

    In his latest collection of screeds, scrawls, hastily spluttered articles and scarcely literate ravings, Charlie Brooker proves there is almost nothing in this universe, big or small, that can't reduce a human being to a state of bewildered hatred. It WON'T help you lose weight, feel smarter, sleep soundly or stop doing that thing where you accidentally bite the inside of your own mouth occasionally while chewing. It WILL provide you with literally hours of distraction and merriment. But then so

    • Published on 2013
    • 432 pages


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  8. Heal Yourself With Colour

    Author: Walaa AlMuhaiteeb

    In this interactive book colour therapist, Walaa takes you on a journey through the spectrum of colours. helping you to decode your colour personality and enabling you to work with it to create the life you've always wanted. Walaa's unique Color Ways programme will help you ground yourself, find balance, raise your energy levels, quash your inner fears, declutter toxic relationships so that you are re-fuelled and refreshed. You will learn:  • What colour personality you are: red, orange,

    • Published on 2021
    • 208 pages


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