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Change of Heart- Jodi Picoult.


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Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult



Shay Bourne is New Hampshire's only death row inmate, after having been found guilty of murdering a police officer and his stepdaughter. When Shay sees the police officer's daughter (Claire), who was born after his death, on the television because she needs a heart transplant he decides he needs to donate his heart for her after he has been executed. Will Claire's mother accept the heart to save her daughter, or will she not be able to let Claire have the heart of the man who killed her sister and father?

After Shay's decision strange things start to happen in the prison and people gather outside believing he is responsible for the miracles. Is Shay responsible? Could he be more than he seems?




After being somewhat disappointed with the last couple of Jodi Picoult books I've read (Second Glance and, to some extent, Mercy) I was happy to find that Change of Heart was back on form.

It wasn't what I expected from the blurb though. It was more about religion than about the actual heart donation, although that was part of it. In that way it reminded me of Keeping Faith (and also had a brief apperance if Ian Fletcher) except that while Keeping Faith is about finding faith Change of Heart is more about challenging it.

There were also elements which reminded me of My Sister's Keeper. About the morality of accepting the heart.

But it was the other way around, the donor, Shay, would do anything to get his heart to Claire. Whereas Claire didn't want it because of who it came from


As with most of Jodi Picoult's book there is some interesting information in this one, about religion and about heart transplants.

As with My Sister's Keeper I found the end a bit of a cop out

pretty much all the miracles were explained away, plus how Shay was quoting the mainly unknown Gospel of Thomas. Leaving it more open ended would have been better I think so the reader could decide what they thought. And even though Claire didn't want the heart she was made to have it by her mother, having her decide for herself would, in my opinion have been better.


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I have this on my wishlist :lol: do you recommend it? Or did the ending ruin it?


Yes I do, a different ending would have been better, but the rest made up for the end, and the end wasn't exactly bad, just could have been better

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Hello Lucybird, how are you? So you enjoyed Change of Heart, then? I have to say I agreed with your review of the book & what you thought could have made it such a better book!


Thanks, I'm good. Glad I'm not the only one who thought it.



It's on 3 for 2 at waterstones at the moment too

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