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Status Replies posted by karen.d

  1. What am I going to do, when the Paralympics finishes!?

  2. another year older today

  3. Sad that Olympics finishes today. Only a couple of weeks to wait until the Paralympics start though!

  4. back ache's are rubbish :-(

  5. back ache's are rubbish :-(

  6. have been watching men in tiny swimming trucks (olympic diving) this afternoon

  7. I'm having a bad week....oh well, just have to keep going...

  8. feeling nervous as tomorrow my Gospel group are putting on a showcase. We have to sing in public argh!

  9. Continuing with my lates xstitch kit.....all the instructions are in Chinese!!

  10. How to avoid watching the football?

  11. Off to a pool party to celebrate the Queen's jubilee this afternoon :-D

  12. is horrified to learn that when a friend of a friend reads books, she rips out each page she has read. Is this cruelty to books or what?!

  13. is horrified to learn that when a friend of a friend reads books, she rips out each page she has read. Is this cruelty to books or what?!

  14. is horrified to learn that when a friend of a friend reads books, she rips out each page she has read. Is this cruelty to books or what?!

  15. A well known production company has agreed to read my script when its finished. Wow. Miracles do happen ;-)

  16. Foot put hugely and embarrassingly into mouth. want floor to swallow me up

  17. Hair line fractures detected in right thumb - explains why I have been having trouble holding books open for the last month! Among other things.

  18. It's my birthday tomorrow.

  19. It's freezing! Although am lucky enough to not have snow...yet

  20. Thank you all for the lovely, lovely bday wishes. You guys are the BEST!!

  21. Just applied for a job in Oslo... As an actual doctor! Omg.. need to NOT get my hopes up. (OSLO)

  22. Happy Birthday!!

  23. The rain is so bad this morning, that when I woke up, I thought I was inside a car wash.

  24. Uggghh off on an adventure tonight and my stomach is turning. In a good sort of way I guess, but urrrgghhh.

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