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Everything posted by AbielleRose

  1. I'm having a Gilmore Girls night (season 4)!
  2. Yeah, that definitely makes sense. The ones I've seen all have such pretty art. Its almost nice to not have to imagine the setting and characters for yourself, they're already there physically and you can just go with it. Like with new books you have to sort of get into them before really FORMING the setting in your head. Idk, maybe I'm not saying this right...
  3. Ooo, how fun! Can't wait to see what you get!
  4. Amy and I sound like we'd have a lot in common! I've watched Pride and Prejudice 4 times in the last week and really want to watch it again today, so I've decided to put the book on my pile for a re-read. Not sure why I've been so drawn to it lately, but the story just sort of makes my heart feel all warm and stuff. *sigh* Mr. Darcy...
  5. I'm so glad you're loving your GN's so far! So, they do seem to be helping you keep on reading even when your mojo is waning?
  6. I'm so happy you enjoyed Year of Wonders. I had to read it for a lit class in college and its always been one of my favorites!
  7. She's one of those people who have that "my way or no way" attitude. It always has to be her idea or she moans about having to do something. I'd rather get it over with and never have to see her again. The funny thing is, its a cheap dollar store album and every single picture is on Facebook. I think she's just pulling a stunt for the heck of it, TBH. Oh no, Gaia! Do you have any aloe?
  8. So sorry, woolf *huggles* I hope things get better asap. Aw, teaching experiences like that must be a really special experience for mothers <3 Noll, that's awful! Probably some show-off who wanted his friends to think he was cool. Eejits. I'm not feeling the best today. I have another staph infection so I'm going to give my feet a good Listerine pedicure then try to just rest a bit. An old "friend" I haven't seen or talked to in more than 2 years now has decided she wants something back that she previously left at my apartment around 3 years ago. Its somewhere in storage and since she needs it IMMEDIATELY (a photo album) and her time is much more important than anyone else's I need to go through all the boxes in my garage by Friday. I can't even think about her or doing it right now, I'm so livid at her. I don't want to see her at all so I think I'm just going to leave it in a bag by my apartment front door for her to retrieve. There's a reason I like animals more than humans.
  9. Its warming up here today! I even have my patio door cracked (I've been sneezing ever since I vacuumed 2 days ago... I can only ever vacuum with a fan on and my patio door wide open). Its waaaaarm(er)!!! *dances*
  10. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense! My other Dutch friend (the one I tagged you in a post on FB with a few weeks back) is actually a translator. she translated English movies and tv shows into Dutch (subtitles). Every so often she has a little issue when something isn't really able to be translated exactly and we talk about it and try to get the best possible translation.
  11. I'm curious, do you prefer reading in Dutch over English or do you not really have a preference?
  12. We do, but I haven't set up my online account with them and you need a code that they give you in person. I'll go in Tuesday or Wednesday since I have appointments then from there I'll be able to do that I hope they have a few good ones on hand to get me going. I'm the sort of person who needs noise when I sleep so chances are I'll even play them while I sleep. I'll have to take another look at Audible. I cashed in their free book if you sign up about a year and a half ago but haven't touched it since then because of the prices.
  13. Snowy, cold as heck. I need to move. Its -22 f (-30 c) here right now and tonight the wind chills will be -40 f (and c... its the same!) I saw the snow pics of the UK It always makes me giggle when people get so excited about it elsewhere.
  14. As soon as I can make it to our library here I plan to check it out! Audio books would be so wonderful. I wish there was a place online where I could rent them but it seems like even Audible (I know its for buying on there) is fairly pricey.
  15. Judging from that photo I think she'll be a lap cat. Heh, sounds like Jasper is having some sibling rivalry already! That's such a cute pic She sure is a beautiful kitteh!
  16. So glad she and Jasper seem to be headed towards a good friendship! I'm so excited for you and more pictures!
  17. Thanks Kylie <3 My vision is coming back a bit so I may try to get in an hour or so tonight, yet. Darn mortal bodies. Heaven must be a huge Library with overstuffed comfy chairs, perfect lighting and an all you can eat buffet of your favorite foods where all of your past pets get to live with you, books and happiness. Ooh, and a fireplace!
  18. Well, my read-a-thon today was a complete bust. My blood sugar sank down super low last night and I've been unable to get it up much even after eating mac n cheese. (When this happens to me my hands shake like crazy and my vision goes really blurry). So, I ended up sleeping most of the day. I'm going to try my read-a-thon tomorrow, instead and hope for the best. It was just too hard to try and focus my eyes while my hands were shaking the book. Stupid pancreas.
  19. I just discovered White Collar on Netflix and am binge watching it! Such a good show and Matt Bomer is very sexy
  20. She''s so gorgeous!! Have you decided on her name?
  21. I tried to watch the first episode but just couldn't get into it. I think it terrifies me too much to think that our justice system could allow someone to sit in prison for decades (I think the guy in the first ep I watched was in there for 18 years or something?) like that. Interesting story, but too hard on the heart for me.
  22. That's one I haven't seen but its on Netflix so it may be watched tonight! I watched Love Actually and couldn't stay too sad throughout the movie. The little scene where he and Laura Linney's character are slapping each other with papers just makes me smile every time. That's sort of how I'd imagine him to be IRL. IDK if it was planned or not prior to his death, but ABC here showed HP and the Order of the Phoenix last night. That was much harder to watch than Love Actually.
  23. You, too! Any big plans? I'm trying to make sure I have everything electronic done that I need before going tech-free for tomorrow. I miss the days when we didn't have to prepare for a day without computers or phones *sigh* (but not too much because without a computer there's no BCF )
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