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About Fluffyblue

  • Birthday 01/28/1972

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  1. 7/10 today. I wish there weren't any Black Tower questions. I never get them right and I've never read the series so I have to guess every time!
  2. Did Nooral even speak in last night's episode - I don't remember him doing!
  3. I'm very lucky in that I can 'travel the wheels off a bus' ie I never get travel sick no matter what form of transport I'm in, whether I'm reading or not. My main problem is falling asleep whilst reading (when my husband is driving on both counts of course!).
  4. I will say one thing about Rocky, he's certainly put me off buying any pre-made sandwiches ever again. If they cut corners in his business like they did last night I'm surprised he makes any profit at all!
  5. The last book I read that made me laugh out loud was "The Pickwick Papers" by Charles Dickens. I loved it and the characters and scrapes they got into were hilarious. The names of some of the characters made me laugh too.
  6. First line reads as follows: "Every day I buckle my guns and go out to patrol this dingy city". This book is an early review book sent to me via Librarything, and although I've only read the first chapter, I really like the style of writing used.
  7. Yeah, I was prepared to be typing a bit more than that! It's an excellent book though.
  8. Thanks again, Michaela. Difficult when stories involve lots of characters and situations. I will let you know if and when I give this a go. Currently it is wayyy down my tbr pile. Take Care ~ Trish.

  9. Jane Austen really is the mistress of long sentences! Here's the first line of Persuasion, which I started this evening (and am so far loving immensely!): "Sir Walter Elliot, of Kellynch Hall, in Somersetshire, was a man who, for his own amusement, never took up any book but the Baronetage; there he found occupation for an idle hour, and consolation in a distressed one; there his faculties were roused into admiration and respect, by contemplating the limited remnant of the earliest patents; there any unwelcome sensations, arising from domestic affairs changed naturally into pity and contempt as he turned over the almost endless creations of the last century; and there, if every other leaf were powerless, he could read his own history with an interest which never failed."
  10. Trish


    I've finished "The Good Fairies" - I wanted to enjoy it much more than I did and found it a bit confusing because of the large number of characters and situations relating to the characters. I did enjoy it a fair bit though - it depends what sort of thing you like though. I definitely preferred Jonathan Strange, but it wouldn't put me off reading more by Martin Millar or 'Fairy Stories'.



  11. Trish


    I've finished "The Good Fairies" - I wanted to enjoy it much more than I did and found it a bit confusing because of the large number of characters and situations relating to the characters. I did enjoy it a fair bit though - it depends what sort of thing you like though. I definitely preferred Jonathan Strange, but it wouldn't put me off reading more by Martin Millar or 'Fairy Stories'.



  12. Thanks for the info on "Good Faeries" Michaela. I haven't read "Jonathon Strange" yet either. That's another I'd like to try.

  13. I think I'm only on about page 30, but am enjoying it and finding it fairly light reading. This is the first Martin Millar book I've read, so I wasn't sure what to expect and I don't usually 'do' faerie, although I loved Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke. In fact that was what really spurred me on to reading this book.


    Hope you enjoy it.

  14. Hi Michaela. :006: Hope you are well. I noticed you are reading "The Good Faeries of New York". I have this on my tbr list so wondered what your thoughts on it are. ~ Trish.

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