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Everything posted by Simonsays

  1. So that's bookshops 6 internet 0 so far! The reason I posted this thread was that I relaised my last 5 purchases have been over the internet which shocked me a little bit!...
  2. Hmm. Is there a name for this afflicition? Last-page-itis, last page syndrome?...
  3. I was staying with my sister over Christmas and nortice that she's retained a habit from childhood that I could never understand. She'll always read the last page before she gets to the end. Says she can't help herself and that it's a bit like a eating the last chocolate biscuit in the cupboard because she knows it's there. Anybody else suffer from this strange affliction?!!
  4. I think a stand out cover does sway me when I'm in a bookshop. A good cover will prompt me to read the blurb. A good blurb will prompt me to read a couple of random pages from the middle of the book and then to the cash register!
  5. I must say I find plays pretty unfulfilling as reads. I think they are somewhat one dimensional and require the theatre environment to bring them to life. They require the exaggerations live performances to come to life IMO. I have actually read a few screenplays - of films I've seen. I find it fascinating to see how they come to life from the script... Give me a book anytime though!
  6. Thanks for the responses. Yep, when I wrote counter cultural, I did mean with small cs!
  7. American Psycho was one book I just gave up on because it was so gruesome............
  8. Myself and some friends have started a book group. Not really a Richard and Judy crowd (!). We're looking for a good novel to read that has a counter cultural bent to it. Our first was Kerouac's On the Road. Looking for something a bit more trecent for next month. Any ideas warmly appreciated.
  9. I have just read the Celestine Prophecy, out of curiosity. There was a period a few years back when random people would reccommend this and tell me it was a life changing book. Having read it, I can only imagine those people hadn't read much!!!
  10. You want to know about fashion? Let me tell you about fashion.. The Sewerside Chronicles - Tim Lay
  11. A few years ago I had a notion to improve the ecelectic nature of my book collection. I had a sister living in Brighton and so trawled the second hand bookshops there and 'bought' myself a new collection for
  12. Look to the future is all I can say. Think of the convenience of having one book with all your other books inside it which is basically what the reader is. I've seen the quality of the display on the Reader. Sure., it's strange to begin with, but so's anything new. I think once you got used to it, your pre-conceptions would melt away.
  13. American Psycho - Bret easton Ellis. One of the only books I've ever had to abandon reading! ps - apart fromJordan's autobiography:lol:
  14. Nice detective work on this thread everyone! I too saw the article and wondered. Have to admit it is quite a good publicity stunt, though the ethics of it wrankle me. I mean to have a broadcaster telling people to buy the book to help out the old people???...
  15. A Ladybird tale - Dick Whittington or the Pie Piper maybe (still not too keen on rats!..)
  16. Situation defines my reading speed. My reading definitely gets faster when I tell myself I have to finish the chapter or book before going to sleep etc
  17. I tend to read just before bed to switch my brain off. Trouble is 20 minutes always becomes at least 40, 10 pages at least 20 etc. can't help myself!
  18. I find travel days are good for reading a book in one sitting - any combination of train, bus, plane, and time suitting around in between. However, can do funny things to you - ie mentally leaves you feeling like you're in a transit lounge!!!
  19. Personally I can never understand why people: a) Re-read books unless they've forgotten what they're about or the books are absolute favourites Watch films repeatedly - my brother is a serial DVD buyer - and seems to buy films he freely admits were 'just ok' What's the point of that?!!
  20. Why would it cost more to produce a smaller run of paperbacks? Surely short run printing is now easier and more cost effctive than ever?..
  21. Yep, I agree on that hardback point. The downside is that if you ever have to move, hardbacks are a darn sight heavier to carry!! My point really was that in this day and age of everything being smaller, lighter, more user friendly, surely the hardback has had its day. I mean, aren't the publishers able to just do a small release paperback these days to guage reaction?
  22. Catcher in the Rye makes me laugh out loud in places, Confederacy of Dunces is a classic and I recently re-read The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole which is still funny! I've also been recommended a new book called The Sewerside Chronicles - there's a couple of extracts on the website which made me smile - sewersidechronicles.com (or uk?...)
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