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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. :5birthday::party: Happy birthday Sedge!
  2. OK, I won't :D Only 6 1/2 weeks to holiday! :woohoo:

  3. Ah, cool! I had a really weird day. Have you heard of that science experiment that they did in Switzerland today? Well, today everyone was going round school saying the world's gonna end at some point today. :roll:


    How about you?

  4. I get mine mostly from Waterstone's or for my birthday/Christmas
  5. Added some more pictures of Gremlin and Teazle :) How was work?

  6. Yes I am thanks Mum! It's fantastic.
  7. I've always prefered the book- especially for Jurassic Park and the Harry Potters.
  8. Thank you! :friends0: It's alright, I keep wanting to say 'hello girls' when I see them- I've never had boy cats before. Have you seen the ones of my old cats (Rosie and Teazle)?

  9. Thanks for your picture comment, Laura- it's a boy ;)

  10. Hey Gyre, love your avatar! :D Giving you a big :hug:- hope your mum gets better soon.

  11. Yeah, it was. How are you?

  12. Hellooo! It's going fine thanks, how about you? :D

  13. When the east wind blows up Helford river the shining waters become troubled and disturbed snd the little waves beat angrily upon the sandy shores. Frenchman's Creek by Daphne Du Maurier
  14. Depends what mood I'm in If I'm in an impatient mood, I skim, if I'm in no hurry, I read as many words as I feel like. It also depends how "heavy going" the book is.
  15. Now I'll read Frenchman's Creek by Daphne Du Maurier. I know Coverack and Helford Passage (the places where it's set) really well I thought My Spooky Sister was a good idea, but IMPO I think it was slightly blandly told, which is a shame.
  16. "You think I read for pleasure?" is the most common phrase heard at school in English lessons, particularly amongst the idiots of boys that we have. I just don't see the point in mocking 'bookworms'- I don't disrespect those who choose not to read!
  17. Ah, cool! We don't get that freedom until Year 12 and 13 (optional, to revise for A Levels)


    I was at my friend's 14th birthday sleepover last night, it was great fun, stayed up until nearly eleven doing karaoke and having pillow fights and makeovers. :D

  18. Also loving Steve McQueen by The Automatics
  19. What's Art's History? Today my friend and I were in Citizenship and we had to go with my crush (:blush:) and his friend. And my crush is in most of my lessons, unlike last year. :lurker:


    What about you?

  20. Our 'lesson' for sports was just sitting aroung talking. God, I hate those running things- evil teachers! :lol: I like the rounders, football, dance and gymnastics most, hate athletics. How about you?


    Today I had my first science lesson. The teacher keeps snakes, which I'm cool with... and spiders! :hide: In his classroom! :thud: Oh well, got a different science teacher tomorrow, she's got a much better room. What did you get up to today?

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