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  1. Thank you, Athena. Much appreciated.
  2. In May, I read three books, but I will share two books in what I will call: Medical May. Not those long, technically boring books with the difficult words that made me not join KMTC, but novels. Stories told by some of the world’s most creative writers. Read on: Tell Me Your Dreams – Sidney Sheldon What if there were other independent people living in your body and you don’t know of their existence? What if these people hang out with different people, love different things, have sex with different people. And kill people without your knowledge? Yes, that is real and it is called MultiplePersonality disorder (MPD) which is Now, in this story, in a way only Sidney Sheldon can tell, is about Ashley Patterson, an introverted workaholic, her co-workers, Toni Prescott, an outgoing singer and dancer, and shy artist Alette Peters… who are, of course living within her. Now, she… they… have killed 4 men in the same manner: castrated after having sex. All evidence points to Ashley because, of course, she was there, there was vaginal evidence, and she was in possession of the murder weapon…. and the young, ambitious lawyer, David Singer puts his reputation on the line to prove that Toni and Alette are not Ashley. What follows is one of the best medical, psychotic and legal drama I have ever read. I read this novel in the commute, at work, at home in bed… everywhere. Because once you start reading Sidney Sheldon, you don’t just put Sidney Sheldon down. Against Medical Advice (True Story) – James Patterson By now, if you read my Books series, you know I am a Patterson diehard. And since May was my Medical Month, I had to read a Patterson… only that this time it was a true, unfortunate story. It is the life story of a seventeen-year-old guy, Cory Friedman, which started when he was five years old. One morning, Cory woke up with the uncontrollable urge to shake his head. From that day on, his life became a misery of such things. His body would just do things unexpectedly and uncontrollably, like walking like a spider, hopping around, clapping hands, rubbing his nose, climbing trees and involuntary utterances. This set him on fifteen years of medication upon medication, treatment upon treatment–a constantly changing regimen that left him and his family feeling like guinea pigs in an out-of-control experiment. It soon became unclear which tics were symptoms of his condition and which were side effects of the countless combinations of drugs oscillating between OCD, Tourette syndrome, and an anxiety disorder. Subjected to debilitating treatments and continuous ridicule, Cory became devastatingly aware of how he appeared to others. With the love of his family and the support of a few steadfast teachers and medical professionals, he fought for his very life, and you will cheer his amazing successes. Btw, the other writer, Hal Friedman is Cory’s father, so the story is from the horse’s mouth.
  3. March Books Firewall – Andy McNab Death Is Not the End – Ian Rankin Start Something That Matters – Blake Mycoskie
  4. This year, I decided to read at least 3 books every month and do book reviews on my FrankMwenda blog. I will also be sharing my monthly reads with you here.
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